As soon as we were released we jumped in a cab and headed back the hour to Mazunte to gather our bags at the inn. Then we took the same cab to Puerto Escondido, which was about 1.5 hours away, to get to the nearest airport. We bought the first ticket out to Mexico City. It seems like Mexico City didn't want us to leave. This was our third time in Mexico City throughout this trip. We spent the night in Mexico City and then flew out the next day to Portland.
Once we arrived in Portland, we had a good night's rest and headed to urgent care in the morning. From there we got sent to the emergency room. Here is where we found out that Hootie had a condition called pleurisy. Pleurisy is when the pluera, the lining between the ribs and lungs, gets inflamed. Hootie did have a chest cold a couple of weeks before these symptoms when we were in Guadalajara. Which makdes sense because, supposedly, pleurisy is oftentimes started from a viral infection and symptoms don't show up until a couple of weeks later. Pleurisy can cause severe chest pain when you breathe and can make you feel that you are having a heart attack. But, there is nothing they can really do for pleurisy, you just have to wait for it to run it's course and take some medicine for the pain.
We are thankful that we made it back safely. It taught us a lot about life and all we have to be thankful for. We are sad that we had to leave paradise behind. But, we will be back soon!