The soggy road conditions on the way down to Batopilas.
Some of the passengers on the bus clearing a rock slide so we could get through.
Once we reached the bottom we found a hostel to stay in. The hostel was pretty sketchy. It was located right on the river. And you can imagine what happens to a river at the bottom of North America's deepest canyon during a rainstorm! Yes, a very very very high river! I was afraid to go to sleep that night because I thought there may be a flood. Thank God for Hootie, he kept me as calm as he could! The owner of the hostel was not too comforting when I asked what should we do if the place floods? His response was, "Run to the other side of the house!" ...We did not stay at this place the next night. We ended up staying the next night at Real de Minas. A very nice hotel further from the river.
We spent one full day in Batopilas. In order to see more of the town, we decided to take a tour with a local guide. He brought us to a church outside of town, to some old mine ruins, and some aquaducts.
Tower of the iglesia.
We ate dinner and breakfast at an amazing little restaurant. It wasn't even really a restaurant, rather a ladies home. Each meal she had a choice of about two different things. Her cooking was very good. I am definitely not losing weight on this trip!
Come Wednesday, it was time to leave Batopilas. We woke at 4am and went to the front of the church where the bus was supposed to pick us up. We got there and a police officer told us in very fast Spanish that the bus wasn't going to make it all the way into town. So, after finally translating what he said with a lot of confusion, we headed down the dark streets to catch the bus. It was a pretty scary walk through the dark town with all of our possessions. We ran part of the way so we did not miss the bus. It was the only bus out of the canyon for the day. We got to the bus at 5am. The bus was supposed to leave at 5am. Instead, after our huge rush, the bus left at 5:30! We were happy we made it after a mad rush in the blazing heat of Batopilas!
Our ride back to Creel out of the canyon was just as sketchy. At one point Hootie and I both got off the bus with our most crucial bag. There was a Truck broken down and the bus had to pass the truck with barely enough room. If it would have been an inch further, the bus probably would have toppled over the edge of the canyon! All of the Mexicans got off the bus too, some were helping direct the driver. Hootie and I were not about to take the chance of toppling over the edge!
We finally arrived in Creel at 10am and then began our journey on the Chepe train.
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