We arrived in Chihuahua City on October 7th. We had a great time in Chihuahua. It is a great city. We spent two nights in Chihuahua. Almost everyone in Chihuahua spoke Spanish. We arrived there and had to jump into the language full force. We are learning soooo much Spanish. It´s an awesome experience! After finding a ride from the airport, we walked around a bit to find a good deal on a place to stay. We ended up at a place called Hotel Santa Maria. We found out later that it was in a bad part of town, who knew though?! It seemed fine to us. It cost us less than $15 per night.
The church at the main plaza in Chihuahua. I love that all Mexican towns have a main plaza at the center!
The next day, we ended up taking a tour of Grutas de Nombre de Dios. They were some caves outside of the town. Our adventure getting there was pretty exciting. We really had no idea what stop to get off at. But, some super helpful man on the bus was able to understand my panicked Spanish language and told us to get off at the stop ahead. He pointed to the mountains and told us to walk up this road and then that - all in Spanish. We did it, but were sort of doubtful. We finally got there! The caves were amazing! I´ve never been in caves with so many stalagtites and mites. It was pretty cool.
That night we tried walking to a party that was happening in a park. We thought it was relatively close. Not so much! We ended up having to have a lady call us a cab when we were 2/3 of the way there. When we got there, there was a band playing called Ravaid. They were amazing! World music, they had a ton of instruments: sitars, bongos, fiddles, ladies with amazing voices and a bunch of other stuff. Check Hootie's blog to see these pics, www.hootiegoessouth.blogspot.com
On Friday it was off to Creel.
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